The Road by Cormac McCarthy | Teen Ink

The Road by Cormac McCarthy

December 4, 2014
By AmaniCallese BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
AmaniCallese BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the book an unnamed father and his son come across a journey for several months. After an unspecified apocalypse destroyed civilization. The man’s wife, and son’s mother committed suicide soon after giving birth to the son. Any humans still alive who can’t find any eatable food has turned into carnivores; running around towns and city’s looking for flesh to consume. The man was stressing on trying to keep his son safe and alive while he knew he was sick and going to die, however; winter was coming and he knew they wouldn’t survive. The man and his son began to move south, as they were heading south they were both dying of starvation. Luckily the man discovered an underground bunker full of food and supplies that were much needed, moreover they only stayed a couple of days because the food was exposed. Along the adventure heading south they encountered a dangerous obstacle and the man gets shot with an arrow, and passes on, the son didn’t sleep for about 3 days..  If you want to know what happens after read the book!
In my personal experience I have never had to be in the after result of an apocalypse, which is a good thing! I found this book very interesting, although if I could change one thing I would make it more intense, and scary. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes realistic scary stories about the world.

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