The Adevntures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain | Teen Ink

The Adevntures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

December 4, 2014
By Spring Aragon BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Spring Aragon BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
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 Teen Ink Book Review
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain was first published in 1884. Huckleberry Finn is a young fellow who just wants to live in a free environment; without any rules, and no school work. Huckleberry Finn often compares his events that happen in his life to Tom Sawyer’s; therefore to Huckleberry Finn it’s all about what Tom Sawyer would have done if he was in the situation.
Huckleberry Finn ends up leaving his home town because of his dad, in addition he didn’t want to stay with The Widow Douglas; even though she treated him fairly well. Huckleberry Finn’s dad was an alcoholic, all Finn’s dad wanted from him was the amount of money that Huckleberry Finn was coming into. Huck’s dad was always drinking, Huckleberry Finn did not need to be around the alcohol as he could have had a better life. Finn is trying to get away from what he dislikes most to have more excitement a throughout his young life. Huckleberry Finn comes up with the genius plan to fake his death, and make a journey down the Mississippi river to have new life without many complications. While Huckleberry Finn is making a journey down the Mississippi river he finds one of the widows slaves; his name was Jim. Jim accompanies Finn on his journey from faking his death, running away from his alcoholic dad, also running from the widows high maintenance life expectations of him to find a new place with a less amount of problems. Throughout Huckleberry Finn’s journey he has to hide his true identity or people may turn him, and Jim in for a reward.
In many different ways I can relate to Finn because the alcohol is not a good thing to be around. I know how feels to want to get away to be on his own. The main reason to me why Huckleberry Finn wanted to leave his dad, and all the other problems all started with his mother not being a big part of his life, many people have to go through that not by choice but because they have to.
I would definitely recommend this book to anyone because they can get anything thing they want out of it. Honestly it just depends on their point of view on life. This book would also be good to anyone who likes adventure.     

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