Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

December 5, 2014
By Saesha Hanselman BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Saesha Hanselman BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mockingjay Review

“If we burn, then you burn with us!” Katniss Everdeen is the Mockingjay, the face of the Panem’s revolution. She hopes to overthrow the Capitol and put a complete end to the annual Hunger Games. In Panem, you can’t always trust the people that lead you. If you are a fan of the Hunger Games trilogy and you plan to watch the movie, reading the book first is definitely a must. Suzanne Collins, the author, brilliantly creates the final book of the Hunger Games with a captivating revolution.
There were many differences between the Mockingjay book and the movie but there are three that really stand out. For starters, the beginnings began at different moments. In the book, it began when Katniss is witnessing what the Capitol has done to District 12. She sees the “sea of gray,” and all the rubble left from the destruction. The book started this way because of the way the second book, Catching Fire, had ended. The movie, however, started a bit different. The movie started when Katniss was already in District 13, unaware of how damaged District 12 looks. Another difference was in the demands list that Katniss has in order for her to agree to be the Mockingjay. In the book, she demands that she would have the right to execute President Snow if he were to be captured. In the movie, her only demands were that the victors were to be rescued and pardoned and also, her sister could keep her cat. The mention of killing President Snow did not come up in the scene of the confirmation of the Mockingjay. The final difference is that instead of Katniss’ prep team mentioned in the book, the movie had Effie in District 13 to help Katniss with her propaganda.
The actors that were chosen for this movie, without a doubt, portrayed their characters exquisitely. Katniss was a very bold character that was stubborn at times, but only to make sure everything is right. She was portrayed by the talented, Jennifer Lawrence who captured Katniss’ true emotions Collins described in the book. For example, the way Katniss reacted to the sight of the destroyed District 12, had to be very clear that she was completely and utterly shocked. Jennifer Lawrence showed the ultimate emotions her character needed to give the scene more drama. Another great actor by the name of Donald Sutherland, plays the mysterious President Snow who seems like he is always up to something or knows something nobody else does. His odd character baffles the audience bringing a peculiar twist to the story. Every single person in the Mockingjay cast, flawlessly brought their character to life.
We are certainly glad that the main actors in Mockingjay did not change but there are many other new characters that will be shown for the first time for the Hunger Games trilogy. Some of the new, main characters included: President Alma Coin, Plutarch Heavensbee, and Boggs. With the great imaginations of most readers, you make up what the characters look like while you read. When the movie comes out, you are able to see what the characters were meant to look like. Most likely, they weren’t exactly what you imagined, but most of the characters  were on point. Most readers said that Boggs was the character that was least of what they thought he would look like.
Since this book had many major events, the movie must have two parts to avoid a 6 hour movie. The ending spot was very critical and had to have been clearly thought out. The movie didn’t end in an ideal spot but it was satisfying enough. The ending point was when Peeta was under quarantine because he got out of control. He was going crazy. The audience was able to get enough information to be able to understand the story and to not be too confused. Part one didn’t give too much of the next part away. Most people don’t like the ending because it left them hanging but that’s what all part ones of movies do. Like a good book, you wouldn’t want to put it down, but with this intriguing movie, people won’t want to stop watching it. There’s almost no way to end the first part of an interesting movie without an audience wanting more and being eager to watch the next part.
The Mockingjay book is a “#1 USA TODAY BESTSELLER”. You must read the incredible book first if you decide that you want to go see the movie. The first part captured the main plot of the story. It sets the scene of Panem and Katniss’ place in the movie and prepares the audience for the dramatic climax the story takes. This book might not be right for everyone, but readers who are into action and science fiction books, definitely should read this book.


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