The Barcode Tattoo by Suzanne Weyn | Teen Ink

The Barcode Tattoo by Suzanne Weyn

March 12, 2015
By Sw1Ft_GrL BRONZE, Lititz, Pennsylvania
Sw1Ft_GrL BRONZE, Lititz, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever felt like everyone is judging you? Have you ever felt lost, and all alone? Have you ever felt like you lost everything? The Bar Code Tattoo is a wonderful book full of misleading characters, mysterious settings and even some romance. In this book the main character is a girl named Kayla. She lives in a society that is perfect, but with every society there is always a catch. The catch is the bar code tattoo, a tattoo that holds all of your information. The tattoo is you, it can change who you are, or who you will be. The tattoo used to be recommended, but now it is law to get a tattoo when you turn 18.

Kayla is 17 soon 18. With her birthday approaching time is becoming short, and Kayla has to decide, get the tattoo and fit in, or hang out with the scowled upon others like her.

When Kayla finds her world collapsing around her, she has to get away, for good. Will she make it? Will her life ever be the same? Read the book and find out!!


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