Hunger Games | Teen Ink

Hunger Games

January 4, 2009
By claudiia, GOLD, Caguas, Other
claudiia, GOLD, Caguas, Other
16 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The science fiction book Hunger Games is an excellent read for any type of age. It gives you fast action; it keeps you wanting more, and it makes you imagine perfectly a world far different from our own.

The plot develops in a ruined North America, where now exists a nation called Panem. It is divided in districts that surround the Capitol which is totalitarian and extremely harsh and dominant. The people that govern force one boy and one girl between the ages twelve to eighteen to fight each other till death in an arena on live TV.

Katniss Everdeen is a sixteen year old that fights and hunts to maintain the people left in her family because the government leaves no rations of food for them. She has to confront this years Hunger Games because she chose to. When she goes she has to make choices that weight survival against humanity and life against love, and friendship.

Suzanne Collins delivers excellently in this original, bestselling novel that gives you suspense and has many parallels to our world.


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