The Host by Stepenie Meyer | Teen Ink

The Host by Stepenie Meyer

January 13, 2009
By Melissa O. BRONZE, Sea Girt, New Jersey
Melissa O. BRONZE, Sea Girt, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Aliens called souls are invading Earth and performing surgeries to put their minds into the host bodies, which just so happen to be the human race. Is there anything about love or desire in that sentence? Somehow Stephenie Meyer is able to put that same theme into a book about Aliens and how they conquer the Human race.

In this saga, Wanderer (Wanda), is a soul who is put into the human host of Melanie Stryder. Melanie, being one of the last living humans on the planet, refuses to let Wanda overcome her. She stays in Wanda's mind, constantly talking to her and showing her memories of the other remaining humans, whom the souls are hunting for to turn into hosts. Among these humans are her brother Jamie, and her love, Jared.

Melanie shows some memories of Jared to Wanda, unwillingly. Over time this leads Wanda to start falling in love with Jared. She knows that she now can't exploit their whereabouts to the other souls, for she fears that they will hurt Jared. So she begins a quest to find Jared.

Only Stepenie Meyer can link both Aliens and love together in one novel. This romance story is bursting with descriptions which leave you intrigued and wanting to read more. This novel shows that love is more powerful than anything, and that it can overcome many hard obstacles, for example, feuding races. I would recommend this book to anyone who is willing to read an unusual sci-fi love story.


This article has 1 comment.

Kaely-Koo said...
on Jan. 25 2009 at 4:23 pm
WOW! thank you sooo much for your feedback on this new stephenie meyer book! i was really debating on reading, but since this really cool review came out, i've been searching all of the libraries in the state! Thanks Melissa!