Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck | Teen Ink

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

March 28, 2015
By ompatel SILVER, Newport, Delaware
ompatel SILVER, Newport, Delaware
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The story mice and men is a really realistic yet depressing. Due to the fact that the story is about loyalty, prejudice, and hopelessness all breaking down and coming to an end. Considering the story people are not trustworthy in today’s generation because they end up breaking the trust of the person by doing thing that hurt. For example in mice and men Lennie does thing that either hurt Lennie himself or any other character in the story.

This story shows loyalty breaking by describing scenes that one person was loyal to another but at the end they just break their loyalty. (Spoiler alert) like for example George was loyal to Aunt Clara that he will take care of Lennie for his whole life but at the end he ends up killing him. Another example why loyalty breaks down in the story is for the fact Lennie is supposed to be loyal to George by following George’s given direction therefor Lennie does not even do that and ends up talking with Curley’s wife and ends up killing her. More importantly loyalty in the story does not exist due to the fact that loyalty always brings death or trouble  like in the examples above, George being loyal to Aunt Clara bought Lennie’s death, Lennie being loyal to George brings Curley’s wife death.

Secondly prejudice also helps the story comes to an end. According to the people on the ranch Curley’s wife was seen as stuff or Curley and also a tart. By way of Curley’s wife talking to men on the ranch besides her husband. So that changes the way people look at Curley’s wife by destroying her image of being Curley’s wife and bringing it down to be a tart. Therefor prejudice play a role in bringing the story to an end because it changed Curley’s wife image from Curley’s wife and shifted it to a tart because she always is looking for Curley and  Curley is always looking for her.

Last but not least hopelessness is a key part in ending of the story due to the fact that Lennie was hopeless when (Spoiler alert) he held on to her hair and her mouth and accidently cracked her neck. This all happen because Lennie did not want George to know that he was with Curley’s wife even though George told him to stay away from her, and also because he wanted to tend the rabbits so he was selfish in killing Curley’s wife. At last hopelessness plays a role in ending the story due to the fact that Lennie was selfish in killing Curley’s wife and George (spoiler alert) hopeless in killing Lennie so he do not see Lennie suffer with the hands of Curley.

Therefor the book is overall fun and full of depressing scenes. On that behalf I rate this book 4/5 stars because it’s at a very suspenseful and it makes you want to keep reading even though I am a person who does not like to read I still read a whole book. Due to the fact that this book is good and very attention keeping but it’s still not to the fact that I would give it a 5/5 stars.


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