Unwind by Neil Shusterman | Teen Ink

Unwind by Neil Shusterman

April 24, 2015
By jess mat BRONZE, Cave Creek, Arizona
jess mat BRONZE, Cave Creek, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book Unwind by Neil Shusterman is an amazing and easy read. The lexile is very low, and even though the general theme of the book is very complex and sophisticated, it is presented in a clear manner. The characters are young teenagers, which makes the dialogue easy to understand and relatable for the younger readers. I think it is also really amazing that such a controversial and important topic is written in such a comprehensible manner for all ages. The text is clear and the vocabulary is undoubtedly uncomplex. The author also switches the viewpoint from one character to another in a very understandable fashion. Each character’s feelings and opinions are also made obvious throughout the text. Shusterman writes fluently and clearly. Abortion is a touchy subject and has been a debatable topic for years. I really appreciate some of the conversations that the characters have in this book. The characters ask questions regarding human life to one another continuously throughout the novel, carrying debates on the importance of life and aspects of human souls. I love that each character states a different opinion because it allows the reader to think about all sides of a situation and tap into their own beliefs. The battle between pro-life and pro-choice has been occurring for years and it is incredible to see an author write about both sides coming to an agreement. This book has importance, which I appreciate as a reader. It leaves the audience to question and analyze their own opinion with the turn of every new page. I would recommend this novel to any of those who are interested in reading about an interesting subject that is easy to comprehend.

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