If I Stay Review | Teen Ink

If I Stay Review

May 5, 2015
By Cheonsa BRONZE, Draper, Utah
Cheonsa BRONZE, Draper, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“If I Stay” by Gayle Forman

“I realize now that dying is easy. Living is hard.” Death is an unavoidable consequence that comes with the privilege of living, but what if we had to watch ourselves die? What if we had to see everything that happened after with all of our relationships? If I Stay by Gayle Forman, demonstrates exactly this. It follows 17 year old\Mia Hall through a catastrophic series of events leading her up to a very important decision. Her family and she went on a trip and got in a devastating car wreck, leaving her the only one to survive. The twist is, she is pretty much a spirit watching herself die.She gets to examine everything around her and how the life would be for others if she was not there. And she is left with one important decision, should she stay in the world without her family,or should she go back to her friends? Like stated, being dead is easy.

    I most definitely enjoyed this book. I would for sure recommend this to young adults who are looking for a thrilling, emotional fiction novel. This book really has some chilling parts that can get your heart racing. The whole development in the plot is really intense and has several unpredictable twists throughout which keep the book interesting.

    This book is a book everyone should read if they want a good deep read. It is definitely a kind of book that you can get sucked into and just not put it down for hours. The whole storyline will give you chills and you will probably get attached to the characters. I know I did.

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