Born to Run by Christopher McDougall | Teen Ink

Born to Run by Christopher McDougall

May 21, 2015
By Tianxinb BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Tianxinb BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened," Dr. Seuss

Born To Run Book Review
My sister and cousin, both avid runners told me to read Born to Run by Christopher McDougall, but until this year I had not picked it up.  I had started to run cross country for school, but lacked motivation to continue until the season started, and as the quote on the front cover stated, “ ‘McDougall’s book reminded me of why I love to run.’ -Bill Rodgers, San Francisco Chronicle” I thought why not give this book a try.  If only I had picked it up sooner.  McDougall not only made nonfiction a story, he made it entertaining.  The interesting facts I learned, the unique culture of the Tarahumara, and the whole book was true!  Some of his statements similar to ‘running barefoot was better than Nike’s best running shoes’ were hard to believe, even though he had facts to back it up. However if true, what was the point in spending so much money on shoes that would supposedly hurt you?  Shoe companies couldn’t all be a scam, it couldn’t be a mass conspiracy where everyone was fooled.  I chose to believe some people work better with barefoot, and others; their springy, hi-tech, $150 shoes.  Despite my disagreement with a few of his statements, I would definitely recommend this book to others, and already have.  This book was extremely motivational, read like a story, but there were parts of it that I felt would not appeal to all audiences. Still, if you’re looking into running for a sport, or even for fun and need some motivation, read this book.

The author's comments:

School Assignment instructed I turn this in.


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