A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer | Teen Ink

A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer

September 9, 2015
By Bhelmick85 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Bhelmick85 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hakuna Matata for the rest of your days"

Inspiring, Courageous Story of a Devastating Childhood

     The story "A Child Called 'It'", is written by Dave Pelzer.  This autobiography is about when Dave was younger, and he was brutally abused by his mother.  This is an intriguing book that you won't want to put down.  The devastating, tragic story of Dave's miserable childhood will bring you to tears throughout each chapter.  This story is a must read by everyone that is age appropriate, and I can't wait to read Dave's other autobiographies about his fight for life.
     Dave Pelzer is the oldest kid of this happy family.  Referred to as the "Brady Bunch of the 1970's, they went on trips, and had fun together all the time, and lived joyfully in there house in California.  But everything starts to slowly go downwards, and fall apart.  Dave's mother starts to become an alcoholic, and starts to abuse Dave, but not her other children.  She would abuse Dave for no particular reason at all.  Then Dave's father's attendance was becoming less and less, and he eventually ends up leaving, leaving Dave for the worst of the abuse from his mother. Without his father around, she doesn't have anyone to stop her, or ask her to, so the abuse gets to the worse it's ever been. Dave keeps fighting against her, and can't let her win, but he knows that she is stronger than him.
     "A Child Called 'It'" is currently my favorite story of all time.  This is why I rate the story five stars,because it is well rewritten, and pulls my interest.  Something about nonfiction sad books just pulls my interest, just like this one.  If you have interest in the same type of books as me, you will fall in love with this heartbreaking book.  I fully recommend reading this if you are ready to spend your time to sit down and read the whole book at once, because you won't be able to set it down!
     If you want to read a sad, heartbreaking, tragic story that will have you cheering for Dave at moments, and in tears the next, this book is for you.  Once you finish reading "A Child Called 'It'", you will be ready to go and buy Dave Pelzer's newest stories.  Because it was such an interesting book, that you will wish you could read a thousand times, and still have the same emotions each time.


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