Wonder by R.J Palacio | Teen Ink

Wonder by R.J Palacio

September 9, 2015
By amd.24 BRONZE, Alum Creek, West Virginia
amd.24 BRONZE, Alum Creek, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

         The inspiring book about a young boy who struggles with being different is heart warming. This book was written by the talented R.J. Palacio. You will learn how hard it is for kids to grow up with differences and how they deal with it. This book is about a young boy named August Pullman and he has to go to a public school for the first time because he had been homeschooled in his earlier school years.

           In this book fifth grader August Pullman has to go to Beecher Prep, which is a private school and is very hard to get in to. August's mother had him take what he thought was an IQ test but was actually a test to see if he was good enough to get into Beecher Prep. August passed his test to get in with flying colors and that began his journey at his new school. August really didn't want to go to school, he wanted to stay at home with his mom teaching him but his mom knew he could do it so he did, he went to school. On his first day he knew kids would be making fun of him and he tried to ignore them, but some were hard to ignore. One kid asked him if he was burnt in a fire. All of these comments were hard on August and it made him sad. August finds a friend at lunch, her name was Summer. Summer was the only one who came to sit with August when he was sitting by himself. They became friends, but August tried his best to fit in with other kids. It was hard for August because everyone thought they would get sick or have something he has. When August walked down the hallways the kids would avoid bumping into him. All August wanted to do was fit in.

         I liked this book a lot because it was a wonderful story about an inspiring little boy who didn't let anyone bring him down. Even through all of the mean comments and points and stares he didn't let them upset him. It also shows how hard it was for his family as well as August. August was a very brave young boy and he didn't let anyone hurt his feelings. One time though it was really hard for him because he heard someone who was supposed to be his friend talk about him. August's friend Jack said if he had a face like August's he would kill himself. This was very hard for August because he could've used some good friends at his new school but they were talking about him, which was very sad. I also liked this because every chapter they switch to  new character's point of view. This gave you a variety of opinions on the situation.

        If you want  tear jerking and heart warming story that you won't want to put down at times, Wonder is a good book for you. This is the best book I've ever read and I think it really shows R.J. Palacio's talent. That is just my opinion but I loved the way she wrote this book. In this book she really expresses her emotions almost as if she is the character August Pullman. This book made me laugh at some times and cry at some times but I feel that more people should get to know the life of wonderful August Pullman.

The author's comments:

R.J Palacio was in the park one day with her children and she saw a child with the same deformities as her character August Pullman. Her kids started making loud comments and she grabbed them and quickly walked away. She wished she would have handled the situation better so she decided to write an inspiring book.

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