Traffic: Why We Drive The Way We Do | Teen Ink

Traffic: Why We Drive The Way We Do

February 8, 2009
By Anonymous

In "Traffic: Why We Drive The Way We Do" by Vanderbilt he finds a way to describe the act of driving in a new, never looked at way. Using over 100 pages of cited sources and notes for his book he shows accurately each point that is made and how hard he worked to prove each point that was made in his book. And each point made is approached with all the enthusiasm and credibility Vanderbilt could muster.

Vanderbilt covers many things in his book that involve road rage, cutting off someone in traffic, stereotypes we use, and many other things to explain the psychology of people that are driving. The title of the book says it all, Vanderbilt explains traffic and why people drive and feel the way they do on the road. Not only does he describe the aspects of driving fully he adds the economic, cultural, and social implications of driving.

This is a well written and compelling read for those who are interested in deep psychology and need explanation for many aspects of driving. It brings the reader to understand major issues of traffic and decide if traffic is a major flaw in society or helpful in bringing everyone with a different background together in one place where they all mingle.

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