Blink | Teen Ink


February 9, 2009
By Anonymous

Blink is a book about how 'decisions made very quickly can be every bit as good as decisions made cautiously and deliberately.' It also gets us to believe our 'snap judgments and first impressions can be educated and controlled.' Blink is mostly based on psychology, which you can tell from the cover of the book. Malcolm Gladwell makes the point of saying we can study people for months but we will get the full sense of a person in the first couple of minutes we meet them. Which I believe because everyone does it and it makes sense. People can say they never judge someone but even before they know it, their unconscious is making a snap judgment. In a blink of an eye we will know a lot about the person. He believes our unconscious does all the thinking before we even know we are. We 'thin-slice' our way through events to get to the core meaning of what is presented in front of us.

Blink started off somewhat slow but then it eventually picked up. I didn't know if it would keep talking about a statue or if it would move on. Then Gladwell progresses to tell us the first reactions to the statue. This is where we understand why the book is called 'Blink'. He then discusses the part of our brain that is part of our unconscious. This is the adaptive unconscious. Gladwell says this is what sizes up the world, 'warning people of danger, setting goals, and initiating action in a sophisticated and efficient manner.' I liked how he connected this to the book. There is something in our brains that gives us a gut feeling and can give us the true meaning of a situation or a person. I believe we should trust our adaptive unconscious a little more and try to listen to it.
I really liked this book but it could have been shortened to about 100 pages. He gave us a lot of good explanations throughout but a lot of the examples weren't necessary. I pretty much understood his meaning after page ten. With all of his experiments the majority of them were interesting. He proved his theories and made us believe them as well. He gave examples from speed-dating, to college student experiments, marriage, medical malpractice and gambling. But then as the book goes on there were too many examples. It was almost hard to keep up. I understand why he used all of his experiments and I understand the meaning of them. He wants us to listen to our unconscious and understand what it is and how it works. Like I said earlier I could have grasped the concept with 100 pages and fewer examples.

All around his book was interesting and insightful. He gives us various examples that we all can relate to. His examples make us want to look more in depth to the situations around us. He also wants us to listen to our inner thought and subconscious. It could have been much shorter but Malcolm Gladwell got his point across. He made his reader believe we judge people in the blink of an eye.

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