Fast food nation | Teen Ink

Fast food nation

February 9, 2009
By Paul Miller BRONZE, Plano, Texas
Paul Miller BRONZE, Plano, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book fast food nation was an eye opener, and for those who have been unaware of the happenings, this book should have been an eye opener to the fa'ade to the ugly life that the American culture is living through fast food. This book examines the local and global influence that American Fast food has. These books obvious positive qualities are sustained throughout the book, making it easily comparable to Upton Sinclair's novel, 'The Jungle'. Not only is this book highly believable, Eric Schlosser is a very credible author who has received many a honors due to his journalism work including a National magazine award for an article about marijuana and the war on drugs.

The purpose of this book was to inform the uninformed, and possibly change some people's ideas, and keep them from their own ignorance. The book sure kept me from mine own. This book brought view to some ugly truths of the Fast food industry. This book brought out the truth without being too uninviting. This book offers an introspective look into the forming of the American Culture around the rise of the Fast Food Nation. You are what you eat, and this book helped me find out what we are.

The book also brings light to some of the tactics used by the fast food industry that I was previously unaware of. Due to advertising, Ronald McDonald is more recognizable than Jesus, and Santa, and the golden arches are more recognizable than the Christian cross. Fast food nation, brought these facts to mind, that I would have never found out any other way.

The author's comments:
I am a senior at Plano West Senior HIgh School taking my first honors course ever.


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