Blink: Thinking Without Thinking | Teen Ink

Blink: Thinking Without Thinking

February 10, 2009
By Anonymous

Blink: Thinking Without Thinking

I read Blink: Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell. Blink is a very
interesting book. Gladwell prodives a strong psychological viewpoint that I agree
with only on certain levels. "Thin-slicing" describes the quick judgments and
subconscious decisions that are made by the brain. In theory, that seems to be
fairly impressive and rather captivating. However, Gladwell constantly repeats his
ideas about thin-slicing, instead of branching his ideas to make the book actually
intersting. Honestly, the repitition is rather annoying and tedious. Gladwell tries
to incorporate various examples within his ranting about thin-slicing, in an attempt
to distract from said repitition. Sadly for the reader, he fails terribly. The book
has good intentions, but I could not stand to even finish reading it. I was
interested at first because Gladwell mentioned the different ways that people lie,
how to read facial expressions, etc. But that was just the hook; which, in my case,
worked. When I continued reading was when the problem occured. I realized that
Gladwell is full of bologna. Though he has previously written a #1 National
Bestseller; this was definitely not at that level of superiority. I would recommend
this book to anyone who is seriously interested in pyschology and has too much time
on their hands. If you do not fall into either category, do not waste your time.


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