Gone by Michael Grant by Michael Grant | Teen Ink

Gone by Michael Grant by Michael Grant

January 6, 2016
By (JMH1239) BRONZE, Branchburg, New Jersey
(JMH1239) BRONZE, Branchburg, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In this book, the author catches the reader's interests. He uses multiple techniques to create suspense. Michael Grant was very good at writing this story, it was a good novel to read.
In the novel, Gone, Michael Grant creates lots of suspense. In the story, all the kids realize all the parents are gone, left to fend for themselves. The kids create chaos between each other. There are different groups of kids, some are bad, some are good, but they’re all trying to survive. They struggle to get through conflicts in the FAYZ.
I liked this book because it interested me. This book was very interesting because of the techniques the author used to create suspense. There was a lot of action which I liked too. I also liked how the author used lots of details where it was needed because I could picture that certain event in my head. For example, when Sam was thrown against the basketball hoop, I could imagine everything happening.

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