The Red Badge of Courage | Teen Ink

The Red Badge of Courage

February 18, 2009
By Jeremy Levenson SILVER, Stamford, Connecticut
Jeremy Levenson SILVER, Stamford, Connecticut
7 articles 5 photos 0 comments

Conscripted into the army, young Henry Fleming is about to serve the Union in the Civil War. Sent with a couple clean shirts and a jar of blackberry jam, Henry is at first convinced that being in the army is glorious, and that this will be just another adventure. He joins the 304th Regiment, 'new fish' in the eyes of the officers. He is well fed and clothed in the beginning and during training but soon the 304th is called into battle. Will Henry run away from the horrors of battle, or will he stay and earn the Red Badge of Courage?

In this classic wartime novel, Stephen Crane vividly describes a battle scene between the Union and the 'Rebs'. Crane writes as if you were in the 304th next to Henry and his cut to the point style of writing perfectly captures the mayhem and chaos of a battle. Also, instead of describing the historical points of the battle, Crane describes the people fighting it. This keeps the reader on the edge of their seat and hungrily turning every page.

I recommend The Red Badge of Courage to anyone who enjoys war novels. However, The Red Badge of Courage's dialogue is hard to understand and Crane uses elaborate words in his descriptions. So, moderate and casual readers may find the language a bit overwhelming and the plot hard to understand. However, if you are willing to take a chance, The Red Badge of Courage might work out.

Stephen Crane's novel has remained one of the greatest Civil War novels ever written since 1895. Through over a century, his work has lived on, ever growing in the minds of his readers. Overall, The Red Badge of Courage perfectly captures the true spirit of the Civil War, the soldiers.


This article has 4 comments.

ELCookie said...
on Feb. 24 2009 at 12:24 am
Terrific review!

ritingrox said...
on Feb. 24 2009 at 12:18 am
Amazing review! sounds like a great book!

keep writing!

on Feb. 23 2009 at 11:40 pm
this sounds like a good book i might consider reading it...Good review btw! :)

on Feb. 23 2009 at 11:35 pm
FreddyLevenson GOLD, Stamford, Connecticut
10 articles 1 photo 1 comment
Jeremy, this is awesome!