American Sniper book review | Teen Ink

American Sniper book review

January 11, 2016
By Logan2324 BRONZE, Pdx, Oregon
Logan2324 BRONZE, Pdx, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“The most lethal Sniper in the history of America.” This is the most coveted award for a sniper. This book has stood out to me big time in an emotional way. Chris Kyle writes a magnificent book that has became my favorite autobiography. This autobiography does a wonderful job of showing how it is to be a Navy Seal. In addition, it reveals the story of a hero and a family man even though he has to travel across the world to fight in the war. This book has inspired me to be a more improved brother to both of my younger bros. I think this book is a masterpiece.

This book has showed me many things. For example, it has illustrated how hard work pays off. At the beginning of “BUDS” (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL) BUDS is the first and last part of the training to become a SEAL.  Chris Kyle knew he was going to get through it because he had a better work ethic than everyone else. The most challenging part of SEAL training is Hell Week. (Sorry for swearing). Hell Week is in the middle of BUDS and is the most common week for people to quit or drop out. Chris pushed through all of the pain and passed the training.  Only 10 percent of the people who start BUDS training finnish it. Mr. Kyle was one who finished it and became a SEAL.  The book has also showed me how to respect my family. Chris served from 1999-2009 and along that time had two kids one boy and one girl. The only thing he cared about was them and their safety when he was overseas.  Chris Kyle is truly a great role model and is a great example of how we should live our life.

The setting of the book American Sniper has a big impact on the plot. The setting transfers between Southern California and Iraq. The book shows us how bad of lives people have to live in Iraq. The climate, streets, transportation and type of living is outrageously horrible. The book American Sniper portrays the disaster that Iraq is in right now. It uses good figurative language and imagery to display the setting in the Middle East. In addition in Iraq it describes the horrifying scenes of war and how important it is to Chris Kyle and all his brothers. In California, it outlines the factor of PTS or (Post Traumatic Stress) and how important family is to each other.  The book also includes dialogue of Taya’s opinion. Taya is Chris’s wife. This is another one of the pros of American Sniper. Taya is always worried when Chris has to go overseas especial when they had the two kids.  Taya’s perspective is incredible and shows what an average person would think about war. She also plays a big part in helping Chis to become a  “normal” person when he comes back to the homeside.

Chris says, “my biggest priorities are God, country and family.” Faith was very important to him and his family and growing up in Texas county was a given. Since county was so important to Chris Kyle he enlisted and wanted to become a SEAL. This book is inspiring, motivational and emotional. I appreciate Chris Kyle for his services to our county and for writing this masterpiece. I love this book and I know you will too and I suggest this to all teens.  God bless you all and God bless the United States of America.

The author's comments:

Amazing book

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