Kendra by Coe Booth | Teen Ink

Kendra by Coe Booth

January 29, 2016
By screenname7 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
screenname7 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

After reading Kendra, I thought it was going to be boring but it wasn’t I actually liked it. At first it was boring but when I kept reading I liked it.

Imagine your mom left you when you were born. That’s what happen to Kendra. Kendra’s mom had Kendra when she was fourteen. Kendra’s mom left Kendra with her grandmother and went on with her life. Now Kendra’s fourteen and her grandmother wants her mother to start acting like a mother. Especially when she is having trouble with boys.

Kendra isn’t sure she has anything to say to her mom, not after these years. But when her trouble gets serious, where else can she turn? How can Kendra find her place in the world when nothing not family, not friendship, not love?

I recommend this book for you to read. This book is funny and interesting. I think you will like it I mean it’s the girl version of Tyrell and if u read Tyrell u would know what I mean.

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