Crossed (Matched, #2) by Ally Condie | Teen Ink

Crossed (Matched, #2) by Ally Condie

February 11, 2016
By Teenage_Reads ELITE, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Teenage_Reads ELITE, Halifax, Nova Scotia
293 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"So many books, so little time"

 The Society controls everything you do. From your school, job, lover, your diet and your children, everything has already been planned out for you. They painted a perfect life for you, yet for some that’s not enough. Cassia was matched with her best friend Xander. A rarity, but not so uncommon that people start questioning the Society. Yet a glitch on the micro card made Cassia see Ky’s face instead of Xander’s. Cassia falls in love Ky and finds out the truth about the Society from poems, stories and the words Ky taught her. When the society found out instead of opening up they moved Ky and Cassia away from the city, but more importantly away from each other.

A rule in the society is that if a parent becomes reclassified the whole family does, but if a child is reclassified it’s only them alone. Where villages use to live in peace in the “Outer Provinces” coexisting with the Society. Yet the Society have taken over these villages making them decoy villages for the enemy to kill instead of going into the city. Ky has been living at one of these villages for months along with his friend Vick and the other decoys. Ky, Vick and little one Eli left the camp, knowing that the decoy village was their final place in life, escaping into the wild and for Ky the hope of finding Cassia. During his time back in the wild Ky goes back to who he was, remembering the part of him that left when he moved into the city. He doesn’t trust the Society, or the rebel group Cassia want’s to join, but one thing does grow stronger, and that’s his love for Cassia.

Never once has Cassia regretted choosing Ky over Xander. Yes she can imagine the life the Society planned for her and Xander, but Cassia heart longs for something more than an easy “Happily Ever After.” Cassia spent months at a work camp, living on the outer edge of the society, but longed to be in the outer province. Cassia finds a way to get on an airship to a new “village” on the outer province. Once there Cassia and her new friend Indie made their way out to the wild, Indie to look for the rebel group called the Rising, and Cassia is looking for Ky. Once reunited, Cassia is on a one way track to the rising, taking Ky unwilling with her.

Ally Codie did a great job with this second book in the trilogy.  Although with several long dull parts, more history about the Outer Provinces, the Farmers, and the new group the Rising, you learn a bit more about the history of the Society. Ky’s and Cassia’s relationship grow stronger, Ky is haunted by the fact that Cassia was meant for Xander and not him. With new friends, and more drama, Ky does everything in his power to keep the girl he fell in love with when he was younger by his side.

The author's comments:

Ky is head over heels for Cassia.


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