The Lake by Annalisa Grant | Teen Ink

The Lake by Annalisa Grant

February 20, 2016
By Nicole1110 SILVER, Indianapolis, Indiana
Nicole1110 SILVER, Indianapolis, Indiana
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"People always get used to beauty, though." "I haven't gotten used to you just yet," Augustus Waters

The book The Lake was tremendous. I was looking through my recommended books list on Amazon and came across this book. I just thought never heard of the author probably not gonna read it. But in the end I downloaded it, partly because it was free, but also because it had good reviews. I am here to write another good review. This book pulled on every emotion. It reminded me of so many think that has happened in my life. It was a very romantic book at times, but there was also the sad story of the main character Layla. Grant made me what to talk to this character tell her it was okay, that she would make it through this. Plus this book had a great ending that wanted me to read on. For right now my imagination is filling in the blanks on the rest of the story just because I haven't downloaded the next book yet. I would highly suggest that you go download this book or check it out from your local library because it is well worth it. It will connect to you even if you have never been in a situation like this girl. Sometimes I was laughing other times I was crying but I never put my phone down because I wanted to know what happened. If you don't like this book then oh well all you lost was time and nobody says you have to read the next one. Even if you don't like the beginning, nobody does, read until the end because it gets better. I give The Lake four stars.


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