The Lighning Thief | Teen Ink

The Lighning Thief

February 26, 2009
By Jake Lynch BRONZE, Newtown PA, Pennsylvania
Jake Lynch BRONZE, Newtown PA, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Being dyslexic and ADHD is bad enough right? Wrong. For Percy Jackson bad is never bad enough. Minotaurs, cyclopes, gods, Greek heroes and evil titan lords are what are keeping Percy from leading a normal life in the Lightning thief by Rick Riordan.

Percy Jackson, a 12 year old sixth grader, finds himself in all kinds of horrible situations (cannibalistic teachers, titan lords that want to ruin the earth, psycho evil villains, minoutars') when Percy finds himself in the face of death at a school field trip when his cannibalistic teacher attacks him, Percy is sent on all sorts of adventures including saving the world from Kronos. Kronos is a evil titan lord who wants to ruin the wotld.

A terrific series filled with action, humor, and a little romance thrown
in here and there. This heart stopping thrill ride of an adventure is a masterpiece to behold.


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