Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen | Teen Ink

Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen

March 14, 2016
By Anonymous

For my book report, I read a fiction novel: Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen. In this daring novel, Cole Matthews, age 15, has never been a very well behaved kid. From stealing to beating, he’s done it all. Until he crosses the line...find out how, why, and everything in between by reading Touching Spirit Bear.
    First, Cole Matthews, age 15, has never been a very well behaved kid. From stealing to beating, he’s done it all. Until he crosses the line. He got his school friend Peter Driscoll put into the hospital after he smashed his skull in. This time, everyone is done with giving him warnings. It’s time for the big guns. He will have to choose between Native American Circle Justice and prison as his punishment. Cole chooses Circle Justice, but that doesn’t go too well for him. Let's just say he gets mauled by a bear and faces near death. But he later realizes that the bear attack might’ve been the best thing that’s ever happened to him.
    There are many ways Ben Mikaelsen used personification throughout this novel. One of the many examples of personification throughout this novel includes him describing nature. “With no further words, the three of them sat as if in a trance, staring into the flames until darkness fell.” Ben Mikaelsen was talking about the darkness. When he talks about the darkness “falling”, he means until darkness comes. This helps the reader comprehend the story better because the author is explaining to us the current setting. It is currently light outside and they are waiting until it is dark. The setting of this story took place on a deserted island, so Cole had a lot of time to appreciate nature, and he used it. Although the author included quotes/passages like the one I listed above, most of the mood the author created in this novel was intriguing. I was always eager to find out who did what and where and why. I was always thirsty for more and constantly wanted to know more. I think this is a great mood for a book because it’ll keep the reader reading.
    I liked this novel for many reasons, one of them being because it taught me so many lessons. I can definitely say that I have a different mind set on certain things because of the author’s lessons. He also taught me a lot of new things-educationally. I learned all about Justice Circle, from what you do in it, to why you would do it. The author was able to leave this impact on me because his writing style was so powerful. I was very informed and learned new vocabulary words that I used today. I have a great respect for this book/author because not every author out there can write such an inspiring story with a message that sticks with you for so long. I strongly agreed that the author wrote this novel to entertain/inform the reader. That’s pretty cool to me because I was entertained and amused by this book, but at the same time, I learned so much and grew from reading this.
    There are zillions of reasons why you should read this book. From the descriptive characters point of view, and the intriguing mood, to the unique author’s craft, and everything in between. I was moved at how and how much Cole has transitioned. He was definitely a completely different character at the end of the book VS in the beginning. I was happy because it made me feel good that someone changed their life for the better, when they were in such a bad state before. This book touched me and I definitely finished it with a different mind set on certain things. I just want you to know that you won’t understand just how good this book is until you read it. You will be glad you did.

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