Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks | Teen Ink

Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks

June 1, 2016
By cheerio13 BRONZE, Brighton, Michigan
cheerio13 BRONZE, Brighton, Michigan
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Favorite Quote:
Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.
-Soren Kierkegaard

Safe Haven is by far one of my favorite books. Nicholas Sparks continues to amaze me with every book I read. It is so crazy all of the things he hides into his stories. The endings of his books are full of “Oh…” and Safe Haven sure held a lot.

Erin, Erin was her name until she ran away and changed it. She desperately ran away from her abusive husband. Always making her feel bad, and blaming everything on her. Kevin continued to amaze me on how evil he actually was. Katie moved to North Carolina to find freedom from her old life, the horrible life.

Nicholas Sparks puts into perspective how horrible an abusive relationship can be. He explains the blood, and bruises so clearly it’s frightening. He demonstrates the fear of never being safe, and the bewilderment of the evilness of some human beings. It puts everything into perspective.

Katie, going to North Carolina to look for freedom, stubbles upon love. It all started when a little girl rang her up at a little store with great potential. 

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