Kira-Kira by Cynthia Kahadota | Teen Ink

Kira-Kira by Cynthia Kahadota

November 7, 2016
By Anonymous

Readers will discern the struggle that happens throughout the life of an individual as they read Cynthia Kahadota’s work Kira-Kira. The story starts with the main character, Katie Takeshima, her sister, Lynn Takeshima, and her two parents getting ready to move to Iowa. However, big sister, Lynn, had been diagnosed with anemia and had later passed leaving her little sister and her baby brother, Sammy who was born after they have moved to Iowa. With the father struggling to keep the family afloat with heavy medical bills and Katie trying to step into Lynn’s shoes of being the individual to look after the little ones, the family somehow seems to make it through.

What I had find likeable about this novel is that I can see the progress than Katie has made and the influence that Lynn once had on little sister before she passed. Katie started out as a young, innocent child barely knowing anything about not only herself, but her surroundings. While moving to Iowa, Katie realizes the isolation between white and colored people. As she matures, she accepts the fact that she will always be treated with differences. On the other hand, while Lynn was immuned with anemia, Katie had to not only take care of Lynn, but her little brother Sammy. This was a step-up for Katie because she discerns the responsibilities and the duties of an adult.
Readers will discern the struggles that the main character, Katie Takeshima, undergoes before and after her sister’s devastating death. This situation will not only fascinate readers, but will want to keep them continue reading in order to find out the outcoming of this situation. Readers should be aware of two of the most significant symbols which are the sky and the ocean which happen to be two of Lynn’s most beloved things.

Most teens will appreciate the work of Cynthia Kahadota since there may be some contents that the reader can relate to. This book is highly recommended for readers that are interested in relatable stories.

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