Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick | Teen Ink

Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

November 7, 2016
By Anonymous

The only reason I picked this book up in the first place was because of the cover, which was someone falling and feathers were surrounding them. Normally, when I read books with a great cover that I’m drawn to, I they are okay. Hush, Hush was different. It was an AMAZING book. Readers will experience mystery, romance, and supernatural in Becca Fitzpatrick’s novel, Hush, Hush.

Hush, Hush is about a teenage girl named Nora Grey who is developing feelings for her secretive biology partener, Patch. He has a lot more to keep hidden than an average teenager does. Nora is trying to figure out whether she wants to be with Patch or not, and if he even feels the same way. She runs into quite a few obstacles over the course of the year, which will keep the readers hooked on for quite an adventurous ride.

What I really enjoyed about the book was the fact that it kept me wanting more the whole time. There wasn't ever a part that I just wanted to stop reading because it was boring. There was the perfect amount of romance, mystery, and average teenager lives. Fitzpatrick really made sure to help the reader’s dive into Nora’s mind and know exactly what she was thinking. Through the whole book I felt as if I was Nora. It's one book that I wouldn’t set down.

In Hush, Hush, you see the right amount of protagonist and antagonists as well as foreshadowing future events. It’s a great mix of humor and action all in one story. I’m sure the sequel, Crescendo, will be just as good. Overall, I recommend this book if you enjoy supernatural, romance and a little bit of mystery.

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