Rangers Apprentice The IceBound by John Flanagan | Teen Ink

Rangers Apprentice The IceBound by John Flanagan

January 26, 2017
By zeb.mach BRONZE, Whitmorelake, Michigan
zeb.mach BRONZE, Whitmorelake, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Flanagan, John. The IceBound Land. New York: Philomel, 2007. 266 pages

After Will got kidnapped from the ranger corps, his friend and ranger teacher, Halt, was banished from the rangers because he went to find him. I read the third book in the Ranger's Apprentice series, Ice Bound. This book, written by John Flanagan, is fiction and takes place in medieval times.

At the end of the last book in the series, Will and his friend Evelyn got kidnapped at the end of a war, and Halt went to find him. This book started out right where the last book left off: Will and Evelyn are slaves on a ship for Erak a scandinavian ship captain. They finally get to land and Erak decides to sell them to a friend, and they tried to escape from the farm they worked at three times and failed each time. When Halt was banished by the king for one year, he went to find Will and ran into one of Will's old friends, Horace. Horace decided to join Halt and find their friend Will. Horace is a knight in training and is able to help halt whenever they are in danger or another knight is challenging him. One of Will's owner got him addicted to a drug called waterweed. Will doesn't know who anyone is and he doesn't even know who he is because of the drug. Evelyn saw how bad the drug was and decided to escape and find there way home. Halt and Horace saw a giant fire and they think that they will get blamed for it because it will destroy  kingdom that they were just in.

Flanagan wrote this book with a lot of intensity and action. I liked how much detail the he put into everything when writing and how fast the book moved. One thing that interesting was how every chapter changed between Will’s and Halt’s, adventure. I liked Will because he is a kid and is also a ranger at the same time trying to survive. I would recommend this book to teenage boys because it has a lot of action and is a fiction book.


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