My Bloody Life by Raymundo Sanchez | Teen Ink

My Bloody Life by Raymundo Sanchez

January 27, 2017
By pedrazablanca SILVER, Sacramento, California
pedrazablanca SILVER, Sacramento, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes"-Oscar Wilde

Life can be a dream a fantasy living in a world without lacking anything food, shelter and most importantly the love and affection that only a stable family can give you. But for Raymundo that's all he ever wanted.

Raymundo sanchez always lacked love from a family and found himself being a young  runaway who found security in the embrace of a gang family. His father died when he was five never actually knew what having a father figure was. Raymoundos mom was a young women who didn't know how to provide for her kids other than marrying man. Physically abusive mother and stepfather left him with his step brother that can care less if he came home or not.

Lil loco as he became know in the latin kings quickly won  the reputation of a hard core gang banger whose life was full of sex drugs and violence his life changed with a blink of an eye for the next 10 years chicago and the latin kings are going to define his life he  is a king without a kingdom

I recomoend this book to teenaagers and adults because it shows us the life that people live that not everybody lives a pretty and color life some people like and a gray life full of suffering and dangerous and sometimes it's not even a choice we can make sometimes it’s our destiny and our luck not. We all live in the same world just different aspects of this world

The author's comments:

This is about a young boy that at avery youngo age had to learn that life isnt always fair with  everyone including him. Raymoundo never had the afection and prtection a family gives so he finds himself embrace in the arms of a gang life he is a king without a thrown.


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