Wonder by R.J. Palacio | Teen Ink

Wonder by R.J. Palacio

March 9, 2017
By laneyditmore33 BRONZE, Tunnelton, New Jersey
laneyditmore33 BRONZE, Tunnelton, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Number of stars (1 to 5): I give this book 3 stars.

In my book, there was a boy who had bad face disorder. The face disorder stops him from going places, and in public.

Description and summary of content
This little boy had a face disorder he always wanted to change. He hated his self and he wanted a new face. He felt he meant nothing. He was a good boy that deserved not to be hurt. His family tried to build of his confidence and so did his doctor. He met a friend from therapy and she was the only one that built him up.

I like this book because it was exciting and sad all at the same time. It was interesting at the end that the boy finally was finally strong and didn’t care what people thought.

The boy’s friend he met in therapy told him how much he meant to other people and at the end the boy went outside and played and enjoyed life like a normal kid. He never knew how much friends he would actually have. He thanked everyone for always sticking by him.


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