Diary of a Wimpy kid: Dog Douche | Teen Ink

Diary of a Wimpy kid: Dog Douche

March 9, 2017
By Fallout_Hero BRONZE, Whiterun, West Virginia
Fallout_Hero BRONZE, Whiterun, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am Alpha and Omega, The beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the water of the fountain of life. Freely. Revelations 21:6

1. What is the thesis statement of this review?

Diary of a Wimpy kid: Dog days is a great book it is very clean and easy to understand for kids.

2. Give a brief summary of the book in your own words (using only information you learned from the review).
The main character is going on vacation and things go terribly wrong for him. 

3. Would the review help someone decide whether to read the book? Why or why not?
Yes because some people could relate to the kid`s life and mistakes he has made like we do sometimes.

4. Was the review interesting to read? Why or why not?
Yes because it shows issues that may have been experienced by the reader in a way they can relate to the predicament.

5. How could this book review be improved? What would make it more useful to prospective readers of the book?
It could include more details about the main events in the book and characters in them.  Comparison to the other books of the series of content.

The author's comments:

I need a good grade on this.


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