Betrayed | Teen Ink


March 27, 2009
By Gabie Smith BRONZE, Greensbug, Kentucky
Gabie Smith BRONZE, Greensbug, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Betrayed is a great book. I absolutely love it. I know vampyres are not real, but they are very interesting creatures indeed. Especially in this book. && i always thought vampyres melted in the sun. What a crazy myth. Zoi went through alot in this book. Especially losing her best friend stevie ray to the demons. it was really sad when she seen stevie ray the way she was. She looked so lifeless, gross, pale. Stevie Ray was crazy after she didn't make it through the change. Everyone thought she was deff. dead. but Neferet is such a horrible person! She is veryy two-faced.


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