What My Girlfriend Doesn't Know by Sonya Sones | Teen Ink

What My Girlfriend Doesn't Know by Sonya Sones

September 22, 2017
By Jasmine09 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Jasmine09 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What I really liked about this book is about the character who is talking on his point of view on how he thinks and feels. He even talks about how he feels towards other characters. He's a lonely character that no one likes him and they would tease him which would make him mad that he would always hide his actual character in fear that the people who don’t know him and find out who he really is they will end up making fun of him. What I learned from this book was that you have to be patience and don’t be selfish and have thoughts on other people around you who might also have feelings. A personal connection I can relate with this book is that you have to control your feelings and understand others if you're confused towards them than just talk to them rather letting it haunt you till you do something that you’ll regret and end up hurting others.The theme was how they were fine while battling for their love but something changed it quickly. I think I can can connect it with Tuck Everlasting. Both books are amazing because it talks about facing objects for their love and how they would still at least try to be togetherI would recommend this book to anyone who love reading about love stories on how two couples willing to do anything to be together even how twisted it’ll get.

The author's comments:

Two quotes that I liked from the book was:
“I kiss her like my life depends on it.”(Sones 16)
“My parents are great listeners which is why I never tell them anything.”(Sones 42)
I like both of these quotes because they both have deep meaning like the first one talking romantically how much just one kiss meant for him. The second one is that he has overprotective parents which he doesn’t like it much because they always asking him “How your day been?” I like it how they always checking on him.


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