All the Lovely Bad Ones by Mary Downing Hahn | Teen Ink

All the Lovely Bad Ones by Mary Downing Hahn

September 22, 2017
By Daniel62Hernandez BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Daniel62Hernandez BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This book was well done in my opinion. It had many cliff hangers, and moments you can relate to the children in the book. The setting was at their grandmother’s inn that these two children (Corey and Travis) were sent to because of their behavior. In one chapter they said, “If she doesn’t eat enough, they worry she’s anorexic. If she eats too much, they worry she is bulimic.” (Hahn 12) I like that the author added this sentence because many people are criticized and judge based upon the amount of food they eat. Along the story, the children start to mature and be proactive. They started off the story with making fake stories about ghost, but later the ghost became a reality. The thing I didn’t like about the book was the way they presented the Grandmother. She doesn’t really express much affection towards her grandchildren and is more worried about what the guests have to say. In another chapter, it said, “Nothing existed except Miss Ada’s eyes. In their darkness, I saw every shameful thing I’d ever done” (Hahn 165) This sentence is a great way of showing the reader that the children have changed. They were taken to their grandmother due to their bad behavior, and they have learned a lesson.  Another thing I liked about this book was that the way the author organized it. He took a problem so simple, and turned it into something breathe taking. I recommend this book to people who like mysteries and ghost stories. It is sure to grab your attention. I wouldn’t recommend this book to people who aren’t really into fictional/ghost stories because it would just burst your bubble. 

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