Raiders Night by Robert Lipsyte | Teen Ink

Raiders Night by Robert Lipsyte

September 22, 2017
By Anonymous

“Raiders Night” is an exciting football story written by Robert Lipsyte. This book tells the story of Matt Rydek, the captain of the Raiders football team. On the football team are his friends Pete, Tyrell, and Brody. Ramp is also on the football team but is a bit of a bully. Matt’s dad pays for performance enhancing drugs so Matt can become the best version of himself. Matt uses these steroids with Pete and Brody. Matt goes through a tough year at Nearmont High that’s filled with suspense and excitement. Through this year, Matt must decide what he truly is striving for.

In my opinion, I really enjoyed this novel. The way Lipsyte structured this book was amazing. This book was a real page turner for me. I would recommend this novel for the more mature reader though. The book talks about sex, steroids, and has a lot of cursing. I really loved how the characters developed in the story. Matt became humble even though he was the star of the team. He becomes great friends with his team.”They fell into a huddle, hugging, banging fists, and shoulders.”(Lipsyte223). Matt also becomes more confident in himself, and learns that he decides what he wants to be, not his father. Matt said “‘You did it for you”(Lipsyte227). Matt also said “‘It’s not your call”(Lipsyte227). The challenges he faces throughout the novel really change him. Ramp really becomes more of a villain rather than a bully and abuses the new kid which adds suspense to the story later on.

What I learned from this novel was that you must decide what you want to be. Don’t let someone else control you because they failed and now want you to become what they think you should be based on what they failed at. Also, a team can only be complete when each member can take charge ,but respect one another. They must see each other as friends not competition. Overall this book was very good.


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