The Virgin Suicides by jeffrey Eugenides | Teen Ink

The Virgin Suicides by jeffrey Eugenides

January 20, 2018
By TeaOnPluto PLATINUM, Dublin, Other
TeaOnPluto PLATINUM, Dublin, Other
38 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Jeffrey Eugenides’ first book, The virgin Suicides, is a beautifully written novel following the dark tale of the Lisbon Sisters. Twenty years after the five beautiful girls are left only in memory, the neighbourhood boys who watched and obsessed them for years, tell the story of a family that slowly decayed right before them.

As doors begin to close and the girls are being slowly erased, nobody second-glances the dying house on their street. But when all five Lisbon Girls succeed in their suicide, 1990’s America finally begins to question mental health and suicide in teenagers.

Eugenides writes in an exceptional style, highlighting the taboo and grey areas around suicide in young people and provides a heartbreaking story of a family that destroyed itself. This novel really questions society and its relations to things like religion, media and freedom. Although this novel is a slow tragedy, it is written in hopes of raising awareness and questions regarding teenagers and their minds. This is  brilliant book and haunting fictional story of the Lisbon Sisters is sure to stick with you. This book is rated for 14+ readers.


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