Allegedly by Tiffany D.Jackson by Tiffany D.Jackson | Teen Ink

Allegedly by Tiffany D.Jackson by Tiffany D.Jackson

January 25, 2018
By chickfila1 GOLD, Sacramento, California
chickfila1 GOLD, Sacramento, California
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
~"Dont be a quitter, be a failure"~

“ He eases me onto his lap, tickling the back of my neck.” Allegedly is about a African American teen girl by the name of Mary whos convicted of killing 3 month old Alyssa at the age of 9. The genre of this book is young adult fiction. Tiffany d. Jackson is the author, this book didn't receive any awards. This is my first book i’m really interested into. This book is worth reading because the author leads you through a bunch of unique characters who has their own challenges in a way.


Mary is a 16 year old African american girl who killed an infant. Mary has recently been removed from “baby jail” to a group home. She lives in a group home with “ troubled “ girls facing a fight. She spent 7 years in baby jail. She spent 7 years in baby jail for allegedly killing 3 month old Alyssa. Life in the group home is tough for Mary. Later on down the line Mary gets pregnant and the state threatens to take her baby because of her past crimes. She tries to fight back but she really can’t.


Mary is a unique character because she's rich and complex. She is trying to prove to detectives that she didn't kill Alyssa. The public convicted Mary and the jury made it official. But did she do it? She wouldn’t say. She didn't really say anything during the interview with detectives. Mary is an individual person , quiet and behaved. She's the target of the other aggressive girls in the group home. Everything about Mary’s personality is well explained, she is also very secretive.


Ted comes along, she meets him on her assignment at the nursing home. Ted is an 18 year old African American man. They got to know each other and talked for a bit. Ted doesn't really know about her past. They end up developing a relationship and Mary becomes pregnant. The state threatens to take her unborn child. She tries to fight all the obstacles and pain. But she knows the truth. She tries to speak up, but she can't really say anything. If she wants a chance of being a mother she has to speak up and tell what happend the night when she was 9 years old.


I recommend this book to all teens to read. Mary is a teen girl who has been judged by the world. Mary life is claustrophobic. This book is such thriller, it take you through so many emotions and will have you wondering. Did Mary kill the baby after all ? Read the book to find out.

The author's comments:

This was a great book to read. It was such a thriller. This book will have you wondering a bit. 


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