More Than This by Patrick Ness | Teen Ink

More Than This by Patrick Ness

January 27, 2018
By TeaOnPluto PLATINUM, Dublin, Other
TeaOnPluto PLATINUM, Dublin, Other
38 articles 0 photos 1 comment

More Than This by Patrick Ness is one of 2018’s best science fiction novels, with a twisty, futuristic plot bound to shock you from beginning to end. Despite not knowing what’s going on half the time, More Than This is an exciting story that is impossible to put down. This book is an ongoing adventure between characters and scenarios that never stop surprising, gripping you from the very beginning.

The story begins at the end of Seth’s life, or what he thinks is the end. When he wakes up in a deserted version of his old home town, he starts to lose hope in ever getting out of this world. But when he realises he isn’t alone in his afterlife, his world starts to shift and his mind begins to crack. What seems real may not be reality, or is it?

Patrick Ness creates a phenomenal plot on the life on Seth Wearing, constantly challenging the reader to figure out what is and isn’t real. This book will have you hooked from the beginning, and is highly recommended to sci-fi lovers.


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