The Pact | Teen Ink

The Pact

April 16, 2009
By Genny Stubbs SILVER, Chelsea, Michigan
Genny Stubbs SILVER, Chelsea, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Pact
By: Jodi Picoult

The Harte's and the Gold's have been friends, neighbors, and basically family for the past twenty years. Ever since Christopher Harte and Emily Gold were born the families only became closer. Emily and Chris grew up together, spending every living minute with each other. Gus and James Harte, the parents of Chris, and Michael and Melanie Gold, parents of Emily, always dreamed of their children growing up together, eventually getting married and starting a family of their own. But all of these dreams for the future are shattered when a tragic event takes place in Brainbridge, New Hampshire. An alleged suicide pact between Emily and Chris was simply unbelievable to those who knew the couple since 8th grade, the 4.0 students, and the best friends since birth. A twist referring to the suicide pact, will leave readers hanging, begging or more.

The Pact is a fabulous book that keeps readers furiously flipping pages from page one to four hundred fifty one. I personally, couldn't ever put the book down, always wanting to find out what would happen between the two families.
Jodi Picoult is known for her beautiful and compelling writing, The Pact being an amazing example of this kind of writing. Picoult's characters are so real, you feel like you know them; like you are within the story, experiencing the same problems they are. Not only the characters, but her description and attention to detail when it comes top settings, are unbelievable. Grafton County Jail, the Emergency Room, Woodrow drive, you feel like you are there.
I would recommend this to anyone who is in the mood for a page turning, heart-wrenching, love oriented, murder mystery, fictional story. If you love anything in that list, read The Pact. Even if this type of thing isn't appealing to you, I can guarantee that reading The Pact will change your perception on each topic. All in all, The Pact is a enjoyable book for anyone, and I would recommend it entirely.


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