Project Almanac | Teen Ink

Project Almanac

December 18, 2018
By RCope28 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
RCope28 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you're a syfy or a Back to the Future fan, then Project Almanac will be of utmost importance to you. This movie will grab your full attention like it did me. The fast passed motion, the sound and video effects all make it a believable experience.

The main character plays the role of David Raskin (Jonny Weston) in his highschool years with his 2 closest friends: Sam Lerner as Quinn, Allen Evangelista as Adam, and his sister Virginia Gardner playing Christina. The actors chosen for this movie were perfect, and they really fit the characters they were supposed to be in the film.

David is an intelligent student whose dream is going into MIT. Quinn is David's dumb friend, and Adam is the other friend who is intelligent but always asks question from David. After David got into MIT, he doesn't get the scholarship he needs, and he doesn't have the money to pay for it all. David needs to figure out something to get the scholarship. Then there's a twist. After finding an old video camera in the attic of David's house, he sees his teenage self at his 8th birthday party. David and his friends uncover what's happening in the tape and trace David leading into the basement. Through a secret light switch his father made, they were able to get to the basement. David and his friends then stumble upon a time machine underneath the ground. They decide to finish where his dad left off building the machine.


The movie is a POV movie, giving the audience that 1st person point of view that makes it more interesting. The movie isn't slow and there's always something interesting going on. This movie kept me at the edge of my seat since the beginning, because tons of scenes in the movie are filled with amazing effects of the time machine or suspenseful parts that keeps anyone at the edge of their seat. And it really makes anyone feel puzzled by the end of the movie because of its convolutions. It’s a great film with twists and turns that really fills anyone with excitement.

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