Cube | Teen Ink


November 23, 2019
By Anonymous

 Cube proves to be an exhilarating adventure that combines together adventure, science fiction and horror together to form a true psychological thriller. The movie revolves around six individuals that soon find themselves trapped inside of a prison of cubic cells. Each side facing the individuals is the same, and each side has a vault that can be opened. However, once the vault gets opened, a new cubic room is revealed, with even more vaults that need to be opened. The only catch is that some of the cubic cells are trapped, which means that these six individuals have their lives in deep danger. This means that the six individuals will have to combine forces to help escape this cube, but this might be too tough of a challenge. The individuals consist of Quentin, who used to be a cop, Holloway, a doctor who's knowledge of the human body may come in handy, Leaven, who is a young math student that is studying all of the wonders of mathematics, Rennes, who is a master escape artist that is notorious for escaping from several jail cells, Kazan, a young man born with Autism, and Worth, an architect that is miserable with his life and might know just slightly more about the cube they're in than he lets on. As the six individuals continue to try to escape, they begin to realize that they must work together if they are going to have any chance of finding freedom, but as they do such, they begin to question if there's even an exit at all. However, as they continue to battle against the treacherous cube, they must all fight amongst themselves as the individuals discover that the greatest threat might be each other. 
 Cube proves to be a truly awesome adventure that infuses action, drama and intensity to brilliantly capture the audience's attention. The beginning of the movie does a fantastic job of introducing audiences to the characters, who wake up in the cube at the very start, with no idea of how they got there. In fact, this is a crucial detail because the threat of having individuals be kidnapped and placed into a cube adds plenty of horror to the movie. The middle of the movie does a marvelous job of progressing the plot along, and as the individuals go further into the cube, things become even more complex as they come to the startling realization that there may not even be a possible escape at all. The enticing ending of the movie manages to utilize all of the previous drama, suspense and intensity that has been conjured up thus far to make viewers have their hearts race in anticipation for what comes next. While the movie may not be that complicated within itself, especially considering that it is a low-budget film, this doesn't stop the film from thoroughly entertaining audiences with a truly enjoyable roller coaster ride. With aid from some thrilling twists and turns, the plot of the movie is able to throw some genuine surprises when audiences least expect it. 
 Cube is such a fantastic idea within itself that it is far from a surprise that the movie is well-executed. Dark and intense in its entirety, the movie is a true psychological roller coaster ride that is unnerving, occasionally frightening and so much more as the raw horror of trapped human beings is unleashed. This allows the movie to explore the human condition and, more importantly, what it means to be human during a time when all previous laws, rules and morality seem to not have a place. When life and death are stake, it becomes evidently clear that many are willing to do whatever it takes to survive. 
 Cube has just about it all, including a superb story, meaningful and substantial characters, and plenty of mysterious thrill as the movie pleases viewers of all kind. This is definitely an absolute must-see. 

The author's comments:

"Is that your two cents worth, Worth?" - Quentin

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