Prince of Darkness | Teen Ink

Prince of Darkness

December 7, 2019
By Anonymous

 Prince of Darkness proves to be an enticing adventure that combines together science fiction with horror and drama to create a truly entertaining flick. The movie revolves around a group of graduate students that are all called together to work on a mysterious project. In fact, none of them actually know what they are studying at first, especially because they are unable to get a direct sample. The mysterious substance is actually inside of a gigantic and alien vial that appears to be filled with green, mushy slime that has the appearance of moving around rapidly. As a group of top scholars and scientists begin to do some tests, they all begin to discover that this slime has qualities that no substance on the planet should be capable of. While it seems strange, and practically rejects all that they know, a theology student and a priest begin to help discover that this strange liquid might actually be a liquified version of the crude essence of Satan. Although some of the graduate students begin to question this, thinking it's nothing more than just some malarky, mysterious events begin to happen in correlation to the vial, and as time goes on, there's no denying that something odd is occurring. Despite how the vial that possesses the slime was supposed to be unbreakable, slime slowly starts to seep and drip out, and whoever the slime touches becomes under the control of the slime. As the survivors begin to lose their numbers to the slime and whatever it else it might be, they all fight for their lives as the possessed prove to be a far greater threat than they could have ever imagined. Meanwhile, one of the students that is infected by a significant quantity of the slime seems to be experiencing strange events that might involve her becoming a host for something or someone else's control.

 Prince of Darkness manages to transform into an epic adventure that is complex, complicated and has plenty of inspired moments that shine throughout. While the concept of the movie is somewhat simple, and it does feel like the movie had a slightly low budget to work with, the film is still able to successfully conjure emotion, drama and intensity in a science fiction thriller. The beginning of the movie does start off slightly slowly, and the film does take some time to really get into the thick of its events, but this beginning does introduce some key concepts that will be elaborated upon later on. The middle of the movie does a marvelous job of progressing the plot along, and it manages to introduce plenty of conflicting challenges that test all of the main characters to their very limit. The exhilarating ending of the movie is somewhat expected, but there's no denying how excellent and entertaining it can be to watch at certain moments. This conclusion takes advantage of the majority of the emotion and drama created thus far, and utilizes it to ensure that viewers are pleased. 

 Prince of Darkness proves to be dark and mysterious in its entirety, as the name suggests, and there's no arguing the shear fact of how eerie the movie can be at times. In fact, the combination of science fiction with horror actually manages to be quite effective, and while the science of the movie may not be entirely accurate, the fact that it remains somewhat close to reality makes the movie feel slightly more realistic and relatable in certain aspects. 

 Prince of Darkness may revolve around a simple concept, but it proves to be a well-composed adventure that is thrilling, incredibly entertaining, and audiences can't help but anticipate what comes next for the compelling characters on-screen. With aid from a few creepy concepts, including the usage of dark bugs that will make just about anyone get the chills, the movie is able to genuinely cause adrenaline to pump. Thus, the movie is definitely worth giving a chance.

The author's comments:

"No prison can hold him now.” - Priest

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