Review on Frozen II | Teen Ink

Review on Frozen II

December 16, 2019
By Anonymous

Do you like magical powers that are unknown to man, Disney, Princesses, and reindeer? Well, Frozen II might be the movie for you. Frozen II goes into more depth about why Elsa can control ice and the unexplainable death of Elsa and Anna's parents. The movie is a very good second part to the frozen series and doesn’t leave you hanging or confused. 

 All the characters are back including Olaf, Christoph, Sven, Anna, and Elsa. Frozen II is all about how Elsa hears this voice that sounds familiar to her and is almost calling her. She then follows  the voice and it shows her a time where the fours roamed the earth and were free. After some time, Elsa breaks into the song “Into the Unknown;” in the end she created crystal shards all over the kingdom of Arendelle freeing the spirits from the forest. The movie then follows Elsa, Anna, Christoph, Sven, and Olaf as they try to save the kingdom of Arendelle by venturing into the sacred forest. I believe that the plot for this story goes very well with the first one. It gives us more and more information about why Elsa is the way she is. It also gives us more insight about Arendelle and the past of the kingdom. 

Frozen II was much more engaging than the first one because there is much more action in the movie with Elsa using her powers to defeat the elemental spirits. The movie showcases the true powers of Elsa and how they have grown from the first movie.

I enjoyed every bit of this movie and it left us with some very catchy and amazing songs like “Into the Unknown” by Idina Menzel, “Show Yourself” by Idina Menzel”, and many more. This scene is one of my favorites in the movie because It is where all the action begins. Elsa hears this voice and the song begins. At the end of it, Elsa creates crystals all throughout the air which then opens the gate for the spirits to enter the kingdom of Arendelle and harass the citizens.

Overall Frozen II is a good movie with very action-packed scenes that you will not forget. It answered many questions that were left from the first movie and sculpted even more. 

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