Hellraiser | Teen Ink


December 23, 2019
By Anonymous

 Hellraiser proves to be an exquisite and complex horror adventure that combines together stomach-churning visuals with splendid drama. The movie revolves around Larry and Julia, a couple that have just decided to move into a new home. While Julia isn't so sure about it, Larry is sure that they both have a chance to reinvent themselves here and make this new house work. However, Larry really doesn't know the entire truth revolving around the house. Although he knows it used to belong to his brother, Frank, Larry doesn't understand the true extent of why Frank needed to leave the house or the hidden connection between Frank and Julia. Regardless, Julia is the one who first makes the starling discover about Frank, and when she does, she finally learns what has happened to him. Frank had been quite devious and daring and had made the choice to tinker and fool around with a mysterious box that was found during one of his travels around the world. With the box, Frank begins to mess with the forces that control pain and pleasure, opening a portal in the process that unleashes Cenobites. Cenobites are indescribably horrifying creatures that are powerful and have the ability to completely destroy whoever opens the box. In fact, this is eventually why they tear Frank's body apart into shreds, and this is exactly the state that Julia finds Frank in. However, an unexpected incident brings back Frank to life in a manner, with part of his body remaining as scraps as he remains only partly alive. Despite this, Frank begins to convince Julia to find other men from around the area and eventually take their blood to help slowly revive him from the dead. 

 Hellraiser proves to be a seminal take on what it means to be a horror movie, and with its combination of dark and creepy science fiction, the movie is able to capture the raw essence of all great thrillers. Terrifying and more than capable of scaring viewers of all ages, the movie creates the framework of earnestly bewildering concepts. The film takes the undead and transforms the already spooky idea into something far more intense. Setting the standard for all other horror movies that follow, the movie succeeds with being able to conjure up such a significant portion of drama and brutal fears, which is no simple task. 
 Hellraiser takes Clive Barker, a famous horror writer, and uses his visionary mind of horror to create a well-written and well-composed adventure. Although none of the characters on-screen really ever become that compelling or captivating, the movie still succeeds in shocking audiences to their very core. With the infusion of plenty twists and turns, the movie is able to throw surprises at audiences when they least expect it, forming a truly unpredictable roller coaster ride. Even though there are a few moments that do feel just a bit excessive and slightly too gory, mostly in terms of visuals, the film is still quite effective in its creation of horror.

 Hellraiser manages to transform into a classic work of horror that has had a lasting impression on all other ventures in the genre. Dark and genuinely frightening in its entirety, there's no denying the film's ability to capture the essence of what it means to scare audiences. Its ability to take simplistic ideas and elevate them into a world of mysterious and thrilling spooks is nothing short of remarkable, and it's also one of the greatest strengths of the film as a whole. For those looking for a true scare, especially one consisting of multiple different levels, this is definitely worth seeing. 

The author's comments:

"Pain has a face. Allow me to show it to you." - Lead Cenobite

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