Rocky IV | Teen Ink

Rocky IV

January 2, 2020
By Anonymous

 Rocky IV is the fourth movie in the Rocky franchise and once again continues the action-packed and exhilarating adventures of America's favorite underdog. Revolving around the infamous Rocky Balboa, it seems like Rocky seems to have the good life. He has officially reclaimed the boxing championship title, meaning he has once again proved to the world just why he has been considered by many to be such a great and hardworking fighter, even if he is just a southpaw. Rocky now has plans of retirement and to finally give up fighting professionally for good. With no true need to fight, Rocky seems to wonder why he would ever want to step foot in the ring again, unless he was forced to. Rocky instead wishes to spend the rest of his time relaxing and enjoying life with his beloved wife, Adrian, and help to raise his growing son, who seems to be ever more intrigued with Rocky's life. However, Rocky's plans of a peaceful retirement are shredded into bits. When Rocky's close friend, Apollo Creed, first discovers Ivan Drago, Apollo convinces Rocky to help him get a fight with the massive Russian fighter. Despite Rocky's warnings and predictions of how this probably won't end well, especially because Apollo hasn't really been fighting for at least five years, Apollo still tells Rocky that he needs the chance to be placed into the ring once more and prove to the world and to himself what he has. This results in Creed going against the dangerous Drago, who hulks over Apollo with his genetically enhanced body. In fact, Ivan Drago's physical capabilities are boasted about by the Soviet Union, saying that he is indestructible and that no one can possibly beat him. With the mindset of finally testing his true strength, Apollo goes into the ring with Ivan and realizes that all of the rumors about his enormous strength were completely true. Completely outmatched, Ivan Drago destroys Apollo Creed and ensures that Apollo will never fight another match. Angering Rocky to his very limit, Rocky does the unthinkable and vows to go to Russia, during winter, to finally achieve payback against the dreaded fighter, who has shown the world exactly how fierce he actually is. Training in the harsh conditions of Russia with no technology or equipment to aid him, Rocky prepares for the toughest fight of his life, which might forever change his outlook on life. As Rocky is forced to endure through some of the planet's fiercest weather conditions, a country that seems to despise him, and the weight of avenging Apollo on his shoulders, the only thing that is for certain is that Rocky is about to embark on one of the most intense boxing matches of his entire career. 
 Rocky IV proves to be an adventurous, dramatic and inspirational roller coaster ride that once again throws Rocky Balboa through an emotional spectrum. Showcasing some of the fiercest boxing of the franchise thus far, the movie ensures that the dangers of boxing are made prominent, as well as how costly and fatal the sport can be. This adds a special amount of emphasis on the threat of boxing to the fighters' lives, and this problem creates an internal conflict for Rocky. On the one hand, he feels it is necessary to avenge Apollo Creed, someone who he feels proud to call a friend, but Balboa also understands that his very life might be at stake when he hops into the ring with Ivan Drago. While the film may not necessarily stress the internalization of such a problem as much as some filmgoers might wish, this still adds plenty of enjoyable entertainment to the adventure. 
 Rocky IV might not be that complex of a film, or nearly as well-composed as the original, but it retains the ability to highlight the shear determination of Rocky Balboa. The raw inspiration that can be gained from watching Rocky fight against all the odds is quite staggering, and although the majority of the plot is both predictable and expected, Rocky proves to be a protagonist that audiences can rally behind. His character is once again made compelling and captivating, and this is a direct effect of Sylvester Stallone's portrayal. He continues to produce a meaningful and substantial lead character, one that is profound enough to shape a franchise around. Rocky Balboa continues to shine as a lovable underdog, and even though the plot lacks the element of surprise, Rocky's growth as a person and a fighter are still made a hallmark of the film's storyline. 

 Rocky IV might not be that well-written of a film, but it still has plenty of drama and emotion, especially in the realm of boxing. Combining together plenty of fan-favorite elements, the movie comprises together a film that is in its entirety made to please viewers. The balance between violent boxing and heartfelt drama is strived for, and while this adventure doesn't always nail that component of storytelling, there's still no denying that Rocky Balboa and his world are once again progressed. For fans of Rocky, this still proves to be an absolute must-see. 

The author's comments:

"If I can change and you can change, everybody can change." - Rocky Balboa

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