Movie Review: Pitch Perfect | Teen Ink

Movie Review: Pitch Perfect

February 18, 2020
By renle24 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
renle24 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I was about to watch Pitch Perfect, I wasn’t very interested because I thought it would just be a movie about singing. But it actually is a really good movie about working well with a group of people that share a passion. The movie follows the main character, Beca (Anna Kendrick) who just got accepted into college, but isn’t very excited about starting her new life. She has no idea what she even wants to do. Her dad is wanting her to join a group or club so she has something to do in her free time, but she isn’t interested in anything. But soon, some of the girls in choir start pressuring her to join, and she finally gives in and says yes. She isn’t thrilled with it the first couple of days, but soon begins to really enjoy it. It even makes her realize what she wants to do later on. She learns what it’s like to work on a team and compete with them, and not only does it make her realize that she really loves singing, but she becomes best friends with all of the girls.

What I really enjoyed about this movie is that it stood out to me. I don’t think there are many movies that have a similar plot that this movie has. The movie is focused on a bunch of girls who don’t know what they want to become, but they do know that they all love singing with each other. Another thing that I really liked about this movie was that I could tell that all of the actors were actually singing, and there weren’t special effects used to make their voice sound better. I don’t think there are that many movies where the cast sings the songs live on set. I also love how well they sound when they combine their voices to sing together, and how they had to work together to sound better. 

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