Deep Insight | Teen Ink

Deep Insight

May 26, 2020
By Anonymous

Netflix is a popular app and an insider to new and old movies. Through the years netflix has been presenting more movies that people can relate to. For example , Bone is directed and written by Marti Noxon, this name is uncommon. But Noxon focused on a movie that portrayed deep feelings

The movie To The Bone, is a movie that portrays a painful insight in a relatively fresh way. The movie is based upon a 20 year old, by the name of Ellen. Ellen suffers with a severe eating disorder and follows her entire journey from start to finish. The film hits onto a controversial subject matter. But Martu Noxons drama is moving and popular among young teenagers. 

To The Bone is not a feel-good film, but rather an insight to something several people suffer with. Eating disorders are rarely a case for a film, yet one that gained so much attention. The film focuses on gaining attention on anorexia and what it can do to people and those around them. 

The movie grasps onto the reality of eating disorders through the characters and their realistic acting. In the movie Ellen is brought to a youth living for people who suffer with eating disorders, and everyone that is presented in the youth group falls into different categories of eating disorders. Several are anorexic, while others suffer with bulimia. showing through the film that no matter what type of eating disorder people suffer with, all of them are severe. 

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