Eternals Movie Review | Teen Ink

Eternals Movie Review

January 26, 2022
By AngelMuneton BRONZE, Sacramento, California
AngelMuneton BRONZE, Sacramento, California
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Favorite Quote:
“I just have always felt as long as I’m 100 percent honest, then it’s just me. It’s a lot easier to sleep at night that way.” – Mac Miller

Until now, I had never walked out of a movie theater. Eternals is the worst science fiction/marvel film I've ever watched, and it's likely to be the worst film I'll ever see. From cheesy jokes to bad character connections and a sluggish pace, this film has it all. It felt obligatory that we must wait and watch the film in order to get to the nice bits, but we are disappointed and unhappy when they appear, and even the actors appear to be bored of acting.

The film is set on Earth 7,000 years ago. The eternals arrived on a mission to exterminate all deviants before destroying the world and eradicating humanity. In order to complete their job, the eternals will require human evolution in the future. They decided to stay on Earth after completing their mission to see how it develops. Everyone travels in their own direction. They soon discover that deviants are still alive, and they set out to find the eternals in order to take their abilities and grow stronger.

Even though Akaris is the primary character with the most screenplay, I don't think she has a compelling plot. There were too many characters and not enough emotional connections to be made with everyone. They attempted to make each character relevant to the plot, but this did not work out. There were too many "why?" questions and not enough answers concerning the purpose.

The plot of the movie was spread across the film, with back-and-forth action. The audience had to try to fit the puzzle together, but with so much going on, they became disoriented. The first half, no, the majority of the film was just talking and talking. I was fading off and thinking about something other than the movie at this point. Except for Kingo and Karun, every character's comedy was corny and terrible. We were able to extract a sense of comedy from those two characters because they felt like they were truly buddies. Everyone else was clearly just reading their lines from their scripts and saying what they needed to say. Some of the gags reminded me of ones I'd heard in previous Marvel films.

This movie is a complete waste of two hours and 37 minutes!! The plot was so twisted that it left me with unanswered questions, the characters were uninteresting, and the ending was the worst possible finish. The fight scenes were supposed to get my palms sweaty and nervous, but they didn't. This torchurus film is not one I would suggest to anyone. Yes, the Eternals play a significant role in Marvel comics, but did this film truly demonstrate and set these boundaries in the appropriate direction? You should only watch at your own risk.

The author's comments:

I think this article demonstrates how low the bar was set from Marvel. I was disappointed, and I hope to see the eternals participating in something else in the future but in a better way.

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