Obsessed! | Teen Ink


May 29, 2009
By Adam Lee BRONZE, China Town, Delaware
Adam Lee BRONZE, China Town, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The title says it all “Obsessed” This movie was such a Great movie! I could not take my eyes off the screen! Many would think this movie would be considered one of the best drama thriller movies with lots of suspenseful moments along with romance that keeps the movie going with a good plot! I should probably tell you a little about this movie!

Derek Charles, a successful asset manager who has just received a huge promotion, is blissfully happy in his career and in his marriage to the beautiful Beth. But when Lisa, a temp worker, starts stalking Derek, everything he's worked so hard for, are placed in jeopardy. “ARE YOU SERIOUS” said Derek yelling at the stalker for causing more trouble then you already has.

Over all I would have to give this movie at 5 out of 5. This movie was outstanding with non stop breath taking moments. This tense fits drama has a lot of commotion dealing with the two happily married couples and the man stealer. Also it has a few thrilling scenes where you have to keep guessing and asking yourself “what is going to happen next?” Once this movie is blended in your head it will have you tasting the suspenseful ness of the movie in your mouth. People will be waiting and dying to get their hands on this movie when it comes out to DVD.

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