Black Panther Reviews | Teen Ink

Black Panther Reviews

December 2, 2022
By jkroll72 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
jkroll72 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The new Black Panther movie at Marcus theaters Hillside Delafield. The parking lot was fairly open so it was a short walk to get inside the theater. The tickets were thirteen dollars each which isn’t too much compared to other theaters in the area. Tuesdays are a great day to go to this theater because all movies are five dollars. The food is extremely overpriced because one Reeses cup was two dollars.  After getting drinks and food, the theater was empty which was really nice because all of the seats were open. The atmosphere in the theater was very nice because it was quiet, comfortable and it was easy to sit back and relax in the seats. The main actors in the movie were Micheal B Jordan, Letita Wright, and Angela Bassett. The actors really made the movie better because they played their parts really well. The producers did good at adding the old Black Panther in the movie. At the start of the movie, it was showing that the old Black Panther was dying from cancer. They were good actors in the movie because they portrayed their characters the way they were meant to be and truly developed each of the characters. The best parts of the movie had to be the bad guys because they were cool and created a good story line. My favorite part of the movie was when Black Panther's sister took over as Black Panther to protect Wakanda. Also, the action in the movie was really good because nothing really looked CGI and everything seemed very real.  One negative about the movie is the length of it, which being three hours so it was really long. After watching Black Panther Wakanda Forever we left the theater and there was no traffic so it was easy to get out of the parking lot. The people that would go to this movie are in a more teenager area. In my opinion, the first Black Panther was much better because I liked the story line better. Overall, I would recommend this movie but I wouldn't say it was my favorite movie

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